Story of Bill & Jess

Now that we are married we thought that we should share some of our life together with those who are important to us.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Very Busy Fall

Both Bill and I have made some career changes that have been very good and we are both happy with our new position.

I recently changed company's to Smith & Jones a Marketing and Advertising company that has allowed me to do what I went to school for. My title is Production/Traffic Manager which means I prep all files going out to vendors as well as clients. On to of that The traffic part of my job is to make sure that projects are getting through the necessary departments to be delivered on time. I utilize both my creative size as well as my organizational skills and I couldn't be happier. Check me out on line at our website

Last week we participated in the Creatathon where Ad agencies donate 24 hours of their time for pro-bono projects. Which meant we did our normal work starting at 8:30 on Thursday until 12pm and then started 24 hours around the clock doing charity work. We presented at 8:30 in the morning and the clients had until 12pm Friday to make changes. I haven't been up that many hours in a row since finals in college. We did have a lot of fun but check out our blog to see how lovely one looks after staring at a computer for 36 consecutive hours.

Since I am new to the company they sent out a press release and I have a blurb in a worcester (pronounced wista) news paper. Here is the link.

Alright, enough of me tootin my own horn.

Bill is loving his new job and will have the opportunity to spend sometime in London getting to meet his London co-workers.

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